I grew up on the western coast of Sweden and my family moved to the U.S. when I was in high school. My two favorite subjects were Physics and Math and I had great teachers. Meanwhile I got my SCUBA diving license and learned how to windsurf. I ran on the cross country and track teams in both high school and college. I majored in Physics at Harvard. I then moved to California to study at U.C. Berkeley and I continued windsurfing. I received my Ph.D. in Elementary Particle Physics based on work at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
I love to travel and went to work at Chiang Mai University in Thailand for seven months. I resumed my research in particle physics in Switzerland where I also improved my French and learned yoga and meditation. I returned as a scientist in Berkeley, where I met my wife Audrey.
My career as a professional educator began my senior year in high school when I tutored a student in Trigonometry. It was a great experience to see her succeed. In college I taught Multivariate Calculus as an assistant and it was fun to teach my peers. At Cal, I was a Teaching Assistant for Physics 10, a course nicknamed “Physics for Poets.” Later, after many years as a scientist, I left research to work more with people and less with computers and gadgets. I was given the opportunity to teach Physics 10 at Contra Costa College where I also taught Astronomy 10 to community college students. Many of my Physics students were sophomores from Middle College High School and I liked their energy and enthusiasm. Ever since I tutored my first high school student, I had the idea that one day I’d like to teach high school math. I believe it is important for all students to have a good experience with math and to see that math is useful both in school and beyond school. I have had a chance to teach a broad range of students and subjects. I love learning new things and am fortunate to be teaching many different courses.
My teaching assignments in independent high schools have included Physics, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Coding, Coding 2, Information Technology, and Psychology. As a high school teacher, I have also taught mini-courses in astronomy, hiking, outdoor photography, land art, and filmmaking. For several years I taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at a hospital in San Francisco and then at Kaiser, San Rafael. Maybe this helps some of my students have less math stress!
Together with my wife Audrey I enjoy walks, the beach, photography, Photoshop, movies, travel, family visits, and our Marin home with our two cats. Audrey is an oil painter and designer.
Fred Kral
STEM Teacher